Mattress & Health

American Bed Bug Snipers

If there were ever a movie that every America citizen should see, it is the American Sniper.

Better yet, read the book. It has such a powerfully strong message that you will find yourself in reverence over the unfathomable courage and astonishing valor of this Navy SEAL, Chris Kyle.

This hero, considered the most lethal and deadliest Sniper ever in U.S. Military history and known as “the devil” to our adversaries, placed God, his country, and fellow man first in his life. Humbly, he never saw himself as a hero; to him he was just doing his job, and attributed greatness to his Navy SEAL teams.

As Mark Lee Greenblatt tells it, “His dedication to his fellow American troops was intense and overpowering. On several well-documented occasions, he deliberately put his life in grave danger to save other Americans. Protecting American lives was his driving force”.

Protecting the freedom of our country takes greatness, dedication, bravery and unquestionable valor. Stories like this heroism by American protagonists fills history books throughout generations (American Revolutionary, Civil and World Wars, Vietnam to terrorist wars of today) With the brutal realities of wars like this, my heart is eternally grateful for the sacrifice of our service men and women that died so you and I can enjoy perpetuity of our great nation.

Although everyone has a hero inside of him or her in some way, not everyone is “cut out” to be a leader. It takes deep desire, passion, and courage with tenacity the strength of a bull to be the one to step up when others will not or can not.

While reading the book American Sniper, I couldn’t help but think of our “American Bed Bug Snipers”. “OK” American Bed Bug Snipers “pales in comparison” to this movie but in the spirit of gallantry, I have personally experienced so many acts from “Uncompromising Warriors of Valor”, when it comes to caring for bed bug victims.

Many of our members are US veterans and I am honored to work with such dedicated, likeminded individuals as they are. Because of their highly specialized training and use of precision applications, this experience transfers over in their work ethics.

Even though the others may not have served in the military, they too are soldiers in their logistics thinking and they combat bed bugs like Master Gunnery Sergeants.

Much like a sniper accounting for wind velocity and bullet rotation, proper treatment deployment for bed bug jobs of today takes intellectual and diagnostic reasoning and planning which these men and women incorporate with each job.

Anyone can fill up a sprayer with pesticide, squirt baseboards, dust cracks and crevices and slip a couple of encasements on but as we see it, many in the industry doing this still struggle with complete elimination of bed bugs.

Don’t think that bed bug infestations are only a nightmare for clients, pest control technicians go through nightmares as well! It is after several callbacks and only through sheer resolve; they ever put an end to the evil nightmare for their clients and themselves.

Going to war against bed bugs takes strategic planning, asking many questions and covering a full detailed list of observations before anyone could ever start a job.

From the first complaint, to questions and investigation, to proper inspection, to treatment through follow-up, and without question, knowing and identifying obstacles before a job starts can help avoid the impeding of a job in progress.

Like our American hero Chris Kyle fighting for our freedom and his brothers, the International Bed Bug Resource Authority members are fighting to protect families from bed bugs.

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