Buckwheat Hull Pillow Maintenance Procedures

A buckwheat hull pillow is among the comfortable pillows in the market. People who love to sleep on cool pillows would find this as their best option because of its ability to avoid heat absorption.

It allows excellent air circulation and ventilation to keep the user cool and comfy while sleeping.

Before you obtain a buckwheat hull pillow, one of the things that you may be concerned of is its overall maintenance process. You can maintain this type of pillow in two ways.

The primary maintenance procedure is where you still don’t need to wash its casing. A buckwheat hull pillow is not the same with foam type pillows that have full pillow forms. They still need to be in another casing in order to form as pillows for sleeping.

If you still don’t need to wash this pillow case, you can expose the pillow under the sun for several hours. Being a pillow enclosed in a case, time will come that it may not smell that fresh.

The heat of the sun is a good help in freshening your pillow. The outer pillow cover can be washed as instructed by the manufacturer.

But of course, it is also necessary to wash the buckwheat hull pillow casing after sometime. It is kept under the outer pillow cover so it will not get dirty immediately but it is better if you will wash it in a regular basis just to maintain its cleanliness.

Remove the buckwheat hulls and place it in a plastic bag. Make sure to remove all the possible hulls found inside the pillow to wash it. You can turn the case inside out to check whether there are still remaining hulls in it.

After you have removed all the hulls from the cover, you can already wash them as recommended by the owner. There can be some casing that can be washed using your machine but generally, they must be hand washed using a mild detergent.

This will keep the casing from being damaged and make the pillow last. Once the case is already dry, you can place the hulls back and use it again.

Maintaining your buckwheat hull pillow clean may take several procedures but they are not that tough to do.

This can be a comfortable and convenient pillow that you can buy especially if you are after a material that will keep you cool even when the temperature is high.

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