Mattress & Health

Bugging Bed Bugs: On the Total Annihilation of Unwelcome Bedmates

They operate in stealth. They are agile, fast, invincible terrorists invisible to the naked eye. And worse, they can slash the blood out of any human being. Ninjas? Think again.

Bed bugs.

Welcome to the world of frustrated bedbug hunters and exterminators. And like any method of enemy annihilation, first things first: get to know the enemy under your mattress!

Bed bugs used to be considered as just insects. Now, due to the merit they have earned as one of the top-most residents in hotels (yes, even in five-star hotels across the globe), motels, schools, hospital beds and even in our own beds at home, furniture, and due to the perennial trouble they have caused to original room occupants, they have successfully raised themselves a notch higher in the public enemy list hierarchy and earned some considerable notoriety appropriated to pests.

On a closer look, bed bugs are small, tiny creatures that are adaptive to dark, musty and damp climate. And it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that beds and mattresses that are damp with its occupant’s sweat, among others are the perfect breeding area for such invisible, literally blood-sucking vermin! Another bedbug utopia? Old clothes with dried sweat and moist-absorbing furniture made from bamboo and or other porous woods.

So how do bedbugs simply happen to be under your bed? These parasites are transferred from home to home, bed to bed through old sheets, pillowcases and clothes. Needless to say, people who travel a lot, sleep anywhere and transfer from room to room and bed to bed have more chances of being bed bug carriers.

But have no fear, rest your worries. As quickly as these vile bedbugs have spread into our homes, so have Internet websites dedicated to the cause of obliterating these crawling terrorists increased.

Hopefully, this side of the modern world will have found in one of these dedicated bedbug-annihilation-websites a successful and effective way to get rid of bed bugs.

Calling in professional exterminators is one possible solution to the problem. However, preventive measures are definitely safer, better and cheaper than the cure.

For one, knowing the perfect conditions to which these bedbugs thrive on is very helpful indeed. If they want dark, damp mattresses, then lets turn our bedroom mattresses inside out into the yard regularly to air and dry out under the frying heat of the sun for at least four hours.

This should be enough time to dry out the dampness of old mattresses and cots and enough frying time for the bedroom dominators!

House guests arriving from a night at goodness-knows-what-hotel should be politely asked to hand over their bags with the generous offer of having their used clothes laundered. Well, it’s either that – opening hospitable arms to house guests – or opening your homes to bedbugs!

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