Expert Advice on Selecting an Orthopedic Pillow For Maximum Health Benefit

Orthopedic pillows have become common these days. Unlike the yester-years where the pillows were tailored to meet only general needs, pillows today are focused on serving specific needs of our bodies while maintaining their general functionality.

Orthopedic pillows are such specialized pillows – they would still be pillows that you can use like any other general pillow, but additionally they would attempt to optimize on addressing a concrete requirement of the human physique.

To select your orthopedic pillow, you would first need to answer the following questions.

  1. Do you have a weakness in some specific are of your body?
  2. While sleeping, do you tend to lie down more on your side, on your back or on your stomach?
  3. After waking up, is there some specific part of body that experiences pain or discomfort?
  4. Do you experience back pain while or after sitting for sometime?

If you lie on your back or stomach, then you need a head pillow or a neck pillow. The contour would support your head, neck and shoulders. Using any other pillow with that is optional.

If you have a weakness or feeling of pain in your knee then you might add a knee support pillow to this.

On the other hand, if you lie on your sire then you may want to use a body pillow. This would support your entire body, right from head and neck to knee and legs.

If the body pillow does not support your head then you should definitely consider getting an additional head pillow or neck pillow.

The other kind of orthopedic pillow that you may want to use is for sitting. If you experience pain in your back while sitting for long then you would want to consider getting a lumbar support pillow.

This would support your spine and back while you sit, and get rid of spinal issues.

Selecting an orthopedic pillow is easy once you understand what you want – just answer the above questions and you shall know whether you need an orthopedic pillow at all, and if you do then what is the type that you require.

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