King Koil Mattress – The Best Mattress in Its Price Bracket?

King Koil has been making mattresses for over a hundred years and remains a popular choice for many. However, with the increase in competition over recent years, does a King Koil mattress still offer good value for money or are you best advised to look elsewhere?

You can pickup a King Koil mattress for under a thousand dollars. It’s certainly true, that other brands like Stearns & Foster, Restonic and Englander mattresses are probably of better quality, but they also cost considerably more which puts them out of the reach of many buyers.

For those who can’t or are unwilling to spend this sort of money, a King Koil is definitely worth considering.

Although cheaper than other brands, the company nevertheless uses the latest materials and technologies to produce some of the best mattresses available.

Its mattresses are primarily based on the traditional innerspring unit, but you’ll find more modern materials also being incorporated; materials like latex and memory foam.

And, the company has kept pace with developments in innerspring technology. The coils are made of tempered steel with high gauges and counts and are zoned to provide the best possible support for the sleeper. Its innerspring mattresses are now of a no-flip design.

King Koil reinforces all its spring units with both perimeter wire frames and Multi-Flex edge border supports. This helps to prevent sagging over time and provides an additional sleep space of up to 20% across the full surface of the mattress.

In addition, the edging technology keeps the mattress in its original shape when one sits on the edge.

The manufacturer also offers the consumer a very large selection of mattresses, so there’s going to be one to suit everyone’s needs. There are 3 main collections:

Perfect Contour (the world’s best-selling chiropractor endorsed sleep system), Spinal Contour (a Titan Tempered encased pocket coil innerspring), Natural Response.

The King Koil Natural Response is a Talalay latex mattress – Talalay is considered to be the best latex.

Within each collection you’ll find firm, plush and pillow top versions – all you need to do is choose which sleep system is right for you.

It maybe true that a King Koil isn’t the best mattress money can buy, however you will have to pay a lot more to find a mattress that really offers a better quality of materials used and craftsmanship.

If you can’t afford brands such as Stearns & Foster, Chattam Wells or an Englander mattress, then a King Koil is a very good option.

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