Top 7 Information confirming that horse-hair mattress is not the right choice

Let me show you Why you should not consider using Horsehair mattress.

1 – Making a horsehair mattress is a labor-intensive process.

To ensure that only the best mattress quality reaches our customers a lot of work and resources are needed and this makes some people happy at the expense of others. I wound not recommend horsehair mattress to anyone thinking of buying a mattress.

However, horsehair is a naturally occurring material and durable. The common filling material when used together with horsehair mattress will flatten out when used for a long period of time.

This has been attributed to the fact that horsehair mattress is an exceptionally resilient material but the other material can’t maintain their structure and the shape of the mattress for many years.

Materials like wool and cotton when used together with horsehair matters they are likely to absorb moisture from your body thus soaking you in water during a warm night.

2 – Poor support of your body while on the bed.

Although the main objective of having a good bed is ensuring you are comfortable and well supported while sleeping, the extreme softness and smoothness of the horsehair has these properties transferred to the mattress they bring out the best mattress for your bed.

Remember each hair is designed to act as a miniature spring thus providing fewer body contours adjustment thus making you less relaxed.

3 – Horsehair mattress is very expensive to acquire.

For this very reason, horsehair mattress is more expensive as compared to the cheaper materials that will demand you replace them annually.

However, the initial investment may look like a very expensive outlay, the long term usage makes them the best cost-effective thus proving to be extremely beneficial.

For instance, the horsetail hair has for many years been used to make violin bows due to their durability effectiveness.

4 – Horsehair has potential allergenic properties.

If the horsehair used in making these mattresses it is likely to cause allergic reactions to some individuals who are allergic to horsehair.

In case of an individual who didn’t know they are sensitive to horsehair then the mattress they could have bought can remain but just a daytime dream.

However, this shouldn’t scare you away since all the horsehair used is sterilized to ensure all Allergens and harmful bacteria are permanently removed.

Although the horsehair has been shown to cause allergies to some individual, the risk is much less as compared to that of domestic pets.

5 – It is inhumane to acquire horsehair forcefully

Although horsehair is very crucial when it comes to making these high quality mattresses the way this hair is harvested is what has brought provoking questions of whether it is ethical and humane.

However, from our logic after making an extensive report revise from horse breeds grooming a horse while it is alive, it is an ethical and humane action.

6 – A customized horsehair mattress is hard to get.

Horsehair mattress is manufactured in large numbers and finally process by machines and therefore the chance of customization to suit customer specifications is not that easy.

Many customers who bought these mattresses initially with a big expectation ended up being frustrated when they realized some of the mattresses are too small to accommodate two adult persons comfortably.

7 – Horse mattress is hard to wash.

Horsehair undergoes intensive twisting to make flat robes that create resilience thus reducing their tension and weight.

As the robes begin to form after feeding them in the rollers they become lighter with more curls and twists on the final mattress and this makes cleaning these mattress more challenging and time-consuming .

Additionally these mattress takes more time to dry after cleaning.


Each mattress has advantages and disadvantages .. Be sure to know all the characteristics of the bedding that will be used for a third of your life
So I advise you to read this topic: Top 7 Information confirming that horse-hair mattress is the right choice

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